Ultimate “Chair Pulling” Pranks Compilation – Funniest Public Pranks 2017

Ultimate “Chair Pulling” Pranks Compilation – Funniest Public Pranks 2017

- in Funny Pranks



  1. This is why I have trust issues 😂😂

  2. A.R Coaster Guy

    How many times did you get beat up?

  3. ChuChu Subliminals

    Why do they have to chase him

  4. Paulo Pezarin

    Nossa o cara é foda

  5. Real Tracy Manson

    U guys are mean

  6. That's not funny at all

  7. TheLegend Universe

    3:09. RIP camera man

  8. Capuano Pietro


  9. Juli Carvalho

    sacanagen cara!😤

  10. Logan Saavedra

    Este es en el minuto –> 4:31 😡

  11. Logan Saavedra

    Lo peor es que le roba al hombre el batido 😡

  12. Haseeb Mehmood

    I felt sorry on the guy at 1:55

  13. Who else would actually do this?
    Be honest.

  14. Purple Panda Express blogs

    It’s not very nice to do that I was thinking if that was me I would cry

  15. stupid grup

  16. i did this to a classmate in 2nd grade and i got suspended. she was crying and being all dramatic..


    You guys are breaking their bones 😡😡

  18. whats the first song???

  19. Nicholas Livingston

    Somebody going to beat yo ass

  20. Станислав Королев

    Мега огонь

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