Try Not To Laugh Challenge – Funny Fail Compilation 2016

Try Not To Laugh Challenge – Funny Fail Compilation 2016

- in Humor Funny



  1. Why is it funny for people to see other in pain?
    We are monster's

  2. michael marshall


  3. ouch that problibly hurt

  4. 3:53 looks like the rat when it turns int a human in harry potter

  5. Really, some of these are not funny

  6. 1:41 its perfect landing!!!

  7. Carla Luis-Paluzzi

    At 9:17 the guy was weird

  8. wowww

  9. so bad

  10. Clorox concentrated bleach

    6:57 his pants are ripped

  11. ahhh nothing like the sound of peaple getting hurt:-)

  12. That was so funny when the kid got knocked out on that inflatable thing

  13. who the fuck watches people get hurt it could of been anyone

  14. selten so wenig gelacht

  15. Jordan Heartfilia

    That last one isn't funny

  16. Miika Kortelainen

    is it so funny to watch little children get hurt and start crying?

  17. IMA KILLER GIRL!!!!!

    this is not funny (NOT!)

  18. Jimmy Dean The Sausage Man

    the least funny one ever

  19. Jimmy Dean The Sausage Man

    the least funny one evrt

  20. 2:12 ugliest laugh ever

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