The Most Savage Pranks of 2018!

The Most Savage Pranks of 2018!

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Thank you for amazing year boys! 2019 will be lit as well🔥

  2. You want some religious juice 🤣😭🤣😭🤣🤣🤣🤣😭


  4. 20:35 I guess I’m Jesus lmao😂

  5. UnknownBuilder YT

    9:08 observe

  6. 5:30 Dr Wells?

  7. Annaveah Castillo

    20:25 prank gone wrong yoooo😂
    "You dont wanna hear the shit I watch"

  8. 02:06 that nose boy

  9. Eclipse Gaming

    4:30 When i hit my toe on the corner of my bed

  10. It’s not Mormon it’s the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

  11. Look it’s rhino from loveliveserve

  12. Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

    11:50 stinky pussy og gets me every time

  13. detha123456789

    4:30 fucking lost my shit

  14. Hãčķēŕ007 Awad

    12:10 the guy with the black jacket is gonna die😂😂😂

  15. Why is it all Asians in the college rooms

  16. 21:11 Damn ! I want to kiss that girl so much… Jump in her face like Lion !

  17. domingo villareal

    Thats a totty 😂😂

  18. Its_ PROM3TH3US

    Star Wars shit broke me

  19. Lucas Tenrreiro

    Okay not to be rude buuuutttt… are we gonna gloss over the size of that nose on the left at 2:06

  20. KingDougieMouns TV

    Welp…guess I’m not going to bed

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