The Most Savage Pranks of 2017!

The Most Savage Pranks of 2017!

- in Funny Pranks



  1. The relationship we have with you guys is fuckin insane.. Not to sound like a pussy but its special boys. 2018 were taking over lets fkn get it

  2. My mom heard 1:47 ooo shit

  3. Next time someone asks for my name I'm sayin Bowser

  4. A1.Randomz A1.RANDOMZ 2.0

    This is so cringe cuz they Savage as fuck

  5. i laughed my ass off during this vid!! Full Send

  6. If he’s your spirit animal where is your British accent

  7. I like water melon

  8. Garrett Turner

    I died at 11:48 when the guy in the background said “SHUT UP!” and the dude in the bulls jersey screamed after he said shut up

    Ps. That was the most halarious shit I’ve ever laughed at😂😂😂😂

  9. joogsquad with extra savage


  11. That was hilarious!!!

  12. More humorous than supreme patty. FACTS!!!!!!

  13. Chaise da Midget

    2:14 what are u smoking

  14. Get out does that mean that we’re fired 😂💀😭

  15. 10:51 who invited Ron Swanson

  16. Champion Gaming

    I’m usaine bold I gotta chase em😭

  17. 15:38 funniest one

  18. Jovon Quintanilla

    Nelk is so ADHD

  19. 3:28 shroud is that you

  20. Canadians are the coolest guys lmao

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