Scare people when they sleep – Funny Scary Prank

Scare people when they sleep – Funny Scary Prank

- in Funny Pranks



  1. They could've had heart attacks in their sleep!

  2. mewat

  3. Air horns, always a classic. Hooooonk! XoD

  4. Rosie Cute011

    1:53 is my favorite

  5. wowwow

  6. bf video

  7. bf video

  8. Golden Darkness070

    2:16 big sexy ass from a girl

  9. you fat and ulgy

  10. fuck you

  11. that was not very nice they just sleep

  12. I was not so long ago scared by friends at summer camp. It's summer camp for parents and their kids, I had to take a neurologic pill my mom carried for emergency situations. I don't go there anymore I didn't like it there anyways.

  13. 0:25 That girl is hot as fuck!

  14. Pedang Ketegasanku

    All human look innocent when they sleep.

  15. Did u just liked all the comments? Like this too pls Im desperate

  16. Nathan Stoddart

    They broke a lot of traffic laws on this lol

  17. Royce Adam Rashidi

    Those People Are Sleeping Because They Get Scared And I'm Laughing My Asses Off

  18. LMAO

  19. I fingered back AT 0:12

  20. 7:48 so are we gonna talk about what is up with that truck?

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