Mickey Mouse Babies Pretend to die Funny Pranks! Lear Color with Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes

Mickey Mouse Babies Pretend to die Funny Pranks! Lear Color with Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes

- in Funny Video



  1. The Lilla Channel

    Hi, I liked and subscribed. Lets be friend channels 🙂

  2. Jhulia Rayssa05


  3. Juan Jiménez


  4. Wifaq Souraya

    A 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

  5. 07 maj to get to work

  6. Um… Is this REALLY for kids? This includes death, laugh tracks when a character is injured, Inappropriate topics for kids (Boobs, fire danger for young young kids Etc.) and maybe more. Fun Kids toon, make this more kid friendly. These are very graphic. If you don't stop, I will try this topic and make it more kid friendly then these. The violence is joked about, Boob topics are featured.

  7. Georges Courtot


  8. สุขิตา คําเขื่อน


  9. Mary Luz Rios Londono

    Porque la niña siempre heya es bien No se bale

  10. Khairul Ikmal


  11. Olivia Hernandez

    No wonder my little sister is so dumb, this video makes people with autism seem like geniuses!

  12. motoka mathushita


  13. Victoria Madela


  14. Salem Abdulrahman


  15. purple is a dream

    parents arnt supposed to laugh when there kid gets hurt

  16. ريماس مكه


  17. ريماس مكه


  18. ريماس مكه


  19. ريماس مكه

    للمتتمامح ؤح رتالق

  20. Kristie Baldwin

    Why are the kids laughing at the mom when she got hurt… Umm total jerks

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