Just For Laugh – The jigg police

Just For Laugh – The jigg police

- in Just For Laugh



  1. Just For Laugh – The jigg police: http://youtu.be/LbWEaQTjRj8

  2. This sort of video is why my spouse and I watch Youtube. They often cause me to grin. But a large number of everyday people are slowly KILLING their dogs!! The garbage commercial dog food companies insert in dog food creates many forms of cancer and makes dogs pass away young.. To save your animal’s life it’s vital to look at Double Life Dog Diet (Use Google.)

  3. Its not a problem when the man dna was made for that
    Now if some ppl cant produce the same hormones its their problem ^^

  4. Then get an Adblocker add-in for your web browser.

  5. "Fuck people like this ."
    You are so making me horny right now.

  6. raghunandan sharma

    can be police funny ?

  7. Ad blocker!

  8. then add adblock takes 10 seconds

  9. martin pataquan

    Song : carmen "l'amour est un oiseau rebelle"

  10. What's the name of the two policeman ??

  11. Their Beady Little Eyes And Flapping Heads 😀

  12. 0:41 LOL the eyes !

  13. la la la la la la la la la lala laaaa 🙂

  14. what's the name of the background song?? can you message me the answer? thnx 😀

  15. Stupid ass shit

  16. So thats what police are doing on their spare time

  17. they let them in on it too soon…
    should cuff them,
    frisk that hot brunett girl real thoroughly around the pants

  18. Its funny ha haha

  19. Michael Akinware

    damn funny

  20. VampirateBloodR8

    I hate when police always disturbing those two girlfriend of mine. =)

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