Just For Laugh-10 Funniest Pranks

Just For Laugh-10 Funniest Pranks

- in Just For Laugh



  1. 0:18 real life sultan

  2. i like that black girl in 2nd prank omg so cute she is

  3. i love Gags

  4. Muhammad Raza (smilewide)

    is it offensive of me thinking that dude was peter dinklage

  5. THUMBS UP FOR Epic Old Man – Picking Up Young Ladies STARTING FROM 4:35 ! ! !

  6. I love that these pranks are not extreme or cruel, and they make me laugh so much!!!

  7. I cant stand watch this video start 8.45 very funny women in pink shirt…

  8. I love how the ladies tried to cover up for the woman under the table,hahaha

  9. Hey, amazing Prank!
    That old man is very funny. I can't stop my laugh.

  10. I always liked the blonde!

  11. the most incredible thing in these prank videos is the innocence, the natural instinct of humans to appreciate the good toward the situations arising or pretended in which they happens to be a part of…..

  12. Just For Laugh-10 Funniest Pranks: http://youtu.be/V5iMcfGnIqo lol 

  13. They make stupid pranks

  14. These guys are great, i love it, a bit of Benny Hill thing going on there, now that's class.

  15. 9:20 Hi! Here I am, just taking an innocent walk with my table. Hillarious!

  16. wow they mean the first starding of the video means that girls like very rich boys?????(men???) that is very mean i mean the people are helping the dont have much money but the HELP!!! sorry if you think im angry im not ;P

  17. The one with the girl that seduces the cop would've been better if she also stole the cop's wallet. Love these videos – they always cheer me up.

  18. the cheating wife is the best xD

  19. oh by the way, I'm the younger version of that pimp rich dude. Any ladies want my number?

  20. Maria Carmencita Retita


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