Funny Taser Test/Fail Compilation

Funny Taser Test/Fail Compilation

- in Funny Pranks



  1. it's kinda like insta kill!

  2. The first clip lol

  3. 7:47. So satisfying, bitch had it coming 😂😂😂

  4. Cops are really stupid!!

  5. Why its okay to tase someone if you can make the heart stop?
    Guess a taser is a gun too, it harms, it kills.

  6. 7:47 AW HELL NO
    Kinda feel bad for her children tho

  7. lady does not deserve kids bad example fuck head

  8. In the nut would be horrible

  9. I think the guy at the end was doing fine and it wasn't a fail

  10. amarican polices are pussy

  11. 1:14 hot damn

  12. in the last clip, I felt bad for the children, not the mom

  13. 3:10 instead of all those staff members filming this on their phones, why the hell aren't they calling back up for the Officers?! It's obvious they need help! People need to get their priorities straight!

  14. XxCrazedWolfxX 492

    The last clip that woman deserved that but the kids were hysterical, but God it made me mad…

  15. 03:00 A Black guy already would eat some lead c.q. bullets… 😑

  16. 3:22 the guy acts like a monkey

  17. you know those guys are drunk when they are sitting there tazzing eachother.

  18. If 3:07 were a black guy he would've been shot

  19. 6:08 that stompin' tho

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