BreastFeeding in Public (Social Experiment)

BreastFeeding in Public (Social Experiment)

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Irfan Drapić

    Girl eats sandwich in public
    Me: grab sandwich
    Girl: What a heck, dude
    Me: You SHOULDN'T eat that in public
    Same thing

  2. 1:30 This BITCH. I want to knock her ass off that bench.

  3. People that say breastfeeding in public is gross are so immature it’s ridiculous. Boobs were made for this, not made for the enjoyment of men or women. They were created for the sole purpose to feed children.

    People need to grow the fuck up. I’m gonna be a mom in a few months and I’m going to breastfeed my baby wherever and whenever. If I’m shopping and my baby gets hungry, I’m pulling my boob out and feeding my child. It’s that simple.

  4. Breastfeeding is natural, yeah. So is having sex and taking shits, the "natural" argument is ridiculous. Do it somewhere else or put a blanket over you nobody wants to see saggy tits when they go places.

  5. With her boob coming out

  6. Lakisha Watkins

    I be waiting for someone to say something to me while I’m feeding mines. FOH. That’s crazy.

  7. I don’t get why people aren’t okay with it like as long as it’s covered with a blanket I think it’s fine and it’s LEGAL IN ALL STATES

  8. You were too nice.

  9. This made my adrenaline start rushing, they are lucky they didn’t say that to me! How rude! Especially the girl at the bus stop telling you to go home??! Wtf? I would’ve cussed her out and squirted milk on her

  10. I can't hear some of it because of the background sounds

  11. Shelbey Breshears

    Hey bitches who said to stop doing it in public…… It is a legal right not any sexual oriented subject….. A BOOB IS MADE FOR THIS it not a sexual pleasure toy. If you think it wrong there's something wrong with your MIND Oh and fuck you.


  13. As a woman myself, I think a woman should bring a cover with her rather than just pull out her breast with nothing.

  14. Ohhh girl no!! This angers me beyond hell! As a mom who breastfeeds I can already tell you I’d take down a bitch if they told me that. People love seeing women until they’re doing the thing they’re bodies naturally do. I hate people and I will get a bitch arrested for harassment

  15. Green pearl gamer

    U know i always felt awkward when my mom breastfed in public butt i realised its a natural thing and it dosn't bother me anymore. 👶

  16. “With her boob coming out”

  17. Jason Brockmeyer

    At least it’s legal now but I think you should still try and go to a bathroom or something or try to cover up.

  18. All About Christina

    Breastfeeding is very acceptable !!! 100 percent it’s sooo natural nothing wrong with it babies gotta eat they gotta eat! people always gonna have something to say when there uncomfortable and it has nothing to do w/ them

  19. So idiots can walk around busting a sag and show their asses so a can see even children can see that abd its no considered indecent. But a woman nursing her hungry child irks people lol

  20. People love breasts until they're being used for their actual purpose??? Pisses me off

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