Best Water Fails 2! | AFV Funniest Videos

Best Water Fails 2! | AFV Funniest Videos

- in Funny Video



  1. America's Funniest Home Videos

    Hey #AFVFAM – Have you seen this?

  2. Lol

  3. Xxxpandaxxx L O l.

    4:14 I been there its cool when the waves came I almost drowned

  4. Why people cutting their pools those aint cheap ._.

  5. 4:13 i need to plan a trip to that place.

  6. Ismael Mendoza Villanueva


  7. Irhowhhfi do duu

  8. So this is wat we tried to do instead dad: destroy are yard 😛😛😛mom: great idea!!!!! Kid: OOF

  9. Charlie Stanica

    These. Arent funny

  10. Ha ha ha. Long time since I laughed this good 🙂 Thanks!

  11. Look at what the little girl at 9:26 does😡

  12. Latifah aldowerj


  13. 00:51 her face 😂😂

  14. Principal of The Thing

    A new video… Wait you are not Fail Army

  15. 😂 lol

  16. Surprised I'm not on there

  17. Hi guys lol ummmm how is this funny as the small kids and adults are hurting themselves what kind of freak enjoys that

  18. 1:36 did you that?

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