Best Of Just For Laughs Gags – Marie-Pierre Top 10

Best Of Just For Laughs Gags – Marie-Pierre Top 10

- in Laugh For Gags



  1. very funny

  2. Angela Esquivel Portocarrero

    jaja me mate de la risa

  3. Miaa LomasAthletic


  4. Laurent Dieusart

    J'adore Marie-Pierre. Vraiment marrante et en plus très jolie.

  5. I love you Marie😘

  6. Moi aussi je parle français !!!

  7. Amin Mohammadzadeh

    Yes I knew you cant speak english well. because of how you pronounce HERE. CLICK HERE to see another gag. You are adorable marrie. Je t'adore.

  8. Horipilanteee

  9. I LOVE HER… ♥♥ 

  10. AWESOME!!!

  11. Lolz gr8 work😂😂😂😂😂😂

  12. They pushed her

  13. Me encanta la broma de la tv.

  14. La cara en el 00:35ejejejejejej

  15. They are so creative, always try new new things.
    I am big fan of just for laugh gags. Whenever I am alone or sad or whatever, I enjoy their gags so much.
    Thank you so much!!!. This is the only thing where I laugh out my ass off.. Lolzz.

  16. Buenas bromas

  17. Different funnies to an aussie funny ! That was just fucked mann ! Maybe if was smokn a joint then maybe funny , dunno mann 

  18. She is hot

  19. At last, I heard her voice xD

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