Best Kids Pranks by Parents Compilation 2016

Best Kids Pranks by Parents Compilation 2016

- in Funny Pranks



  1. this is funny

  2. That was not f funny

  3. It's a prank bro it's a prank

  4. Second one is my fave XD

  5. Rouge Sniper 21

    Ha no hug for you

  6. wow she was grateful.. nice to see

  7. Spoiled kids

  8. at the first one if my mom did that to me and i cried she would be laughing instead of trying to make me feel better.

  9. Marcos Carrasquillo

    Dada girrtl 1:23:54

  10. what's wrong with you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  11. 1:33 he was lighting at the little bro but he's the bigger cry baby tho

  12. HunteJonas IsOnFire

    All these kids are spoiled af!!

  13. I am 8 and I have a iPhone
    And my family is not rich

  14. At 5:10. Anxiety to the MAX

  15. lmao I feel so bad for the kids that get tricked and still don't get what they wanted. life is about not getting what you want when your an adult. just give them their shit and let them appreciate it in their own way and be happy. it's different when your a starving kid in Africa (like some use as an example ) because they WANTED food for christmas (and also needed it lol) you can't compare kids in America to kids in Africa, completely different lives, different scenarios. sorry kids, chin up, when your an adult and they need you, now you can go "remember when…" lmfao

  16. For the people who think these kids are spoiled:
    Just put yourself in their shoes and you might understand why they acted that way.

  17. Keep replaying 1:42 it sounds weird

  18. 1:32 he is laughing on what he got then 1:42 he noticed that he got the same thing lmao that house broke down

  19. i got AA Bateries for christmas , didn't cry though XD i was like ummm ok?

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