‘Babies Is A Better Dancers Than You’ Compilation

‘Babies Is A Better Dancers Than You’ Compilation

- in Funny Video



  1. u are right we got to find a way to get some dance moves better than them

  2. so cute

  3. daym!😂😂

  4. Danielle Nsonguila


  5. Omg

  6. CantWait1987 Montoya1987

    They're so precious. Cute lil angels!

  7. kinda sad that the title is true for me

  8. that last kid has one SAGGY diaper!!

  9. isabel•gallardo

    its true D:

  10. DTKgamingreviews mewmew

    I'm a better dancer waaaaaaaayyyt better

  11. David der Kabauter

    2:54 best ^^

  12. The Ghost Mind-CS:GO and more

    wtf i can dance betterf this are stupid baby how can they even dance wtffffffffffffffffff

  13. The ONE AND ONLY

    The title says:know D's are better dancers than you.but I'm a kid so I don't got it lol

  14. Jenae Brantleyugh


  15. Aawww cuties… the Asian boy Omg so cute

  16. hit dem folks shakeah leg baeB!!!

  17. ONG

  18. NickyTheLlama Cookie

    1:44 is da funny one xdD and more but im lazy to put them in the comments

  19. This vid is so cute

  20. Araina Boatwright

    To cute

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