Try Not To Laugh Or Grin – AF Vines Compilation 2016 !

Try Not To Laugh Or Grin – AF Vines Compilation 2016 !

- in Humor Funny



  1. I swear the intro says id love to cum

  2. Zariea Johnson


  3. boooo

  4. best intro ever

  5. best intro ever

  6. best intro ever

  7. Hannah Marie Shay

    Awkward -.-

  8. UniverseWalrus

    what's that pervert life song?

  9. Kameron McGraw

    I love the hills nice one Big Nik

  10. Brianna Young

    Those pervert life vines get on my nerves so bad.

  11. God this is so fucking stupid.

  12. 5:41 made me grin but I was holding in a laugh so yeah

  13. I like the Melvin greg he is funny

  14. what is the name of the intro song

  15. what is the name of the song for the intro

  16. not aesthetic

    None of these were funny..

  17. Prettythang 101

    The one that got me was the potato one hahahah

  18. what is the Music in 1:47??

  19. Jasmine Flower

    I lost it at 1:23

  20. Aziz gaming den gelen bi benmiyim mk

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