Funny Scary Wake Up Pranks Compilation 2015

Funny Scary Wake Up Pranks Compilation 2015

- in Funny Pranks



  1. I LOVE the ones where they scream. I love when they scream at nothing for ages they be like what the fuck am i screaming for

  2. 1:14. Damnnn

  3. YouRideAHorseRatherLessWellThanAnotherHorseWould

    1:01 How to prank Jamie Oliver.

  4. Scare your girlfriend and sexis a thing of the past believe me!

  5. Scare your girlfriend and sexis a thing of the past believe me!

  6. Ricardo Montalvo

    that mouse trap got me! hahah, that's fucked up!

  7. 4:00 sonG?

  8. so funny. thanks

  9. Taina Trepanier

    ahahahahahahah lolllllllll😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  10. Why on Earth does the girl at 9:30, have a legless mannequin,with boobs, in bed with her?..Kinky! lmao!

  11. 5:39 I'm sure his parents are so proud. Jeezus, dude, why not just sleep with an Orangutan.

  12. Mouse trap on the nuts. 1:11. OW!!!!!!!!! THAT GOTTA HURT!

  13. was the cow sound affects from the legend of zelda or is just me?

  14. Hoolio Iglesias

    Did anyone notice at 2:44 as soon as she noticed something in her mouth she instinctively cupped the balls?

  15. 1.57 – to Tymon Tymański ???

  16. translation for 0:39 "You son of a bitch!"

  17. The bitch who thought it was funny to set a mouse trap on her boyfriend's testicles, should have her left breast cut off with a rusty spoon. Stupid cunt.

  18. Mouse trap to the balls. What a fucking dumb bitch.

  19. 2:44 i'm glad i'm not the only one who sleeps like this lol

  20. Why does no one prey on primal fears, like a lions head? Predators are why we jump scare in the first place.

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