Public Bomb Scare GOOD DEED PRANK!!

Public Bomb Scare GOOD DEED PRANK!!

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Best video ❤

  2. JordanGaming 101

    1:21 when i wake up lol

  3. Neftaly Flores

    Who wouldn’t run if someone dress like a Muslim threw a backpack at u and ran ur dumb if u call us racist

  4. Robl0x G4mergal

    If that was real ): They run slow though):

  5. U fucking idiots Muslims are not bad people probably u are

  6. Chairil Ambya


  7. 0:55 defusing a bomb lol

  8. 1:00 Thank fuck for the stick!
    I'M ALIVE!

  9. I LOVED THIS!! So funny but also amazing!

  10. Kharisma Adi Purnama

    Fuck you bro..

  11. Kharisma Adi Purnama

    Goblok orang bikin .. bawa2 nama Allah..

  12. Fuck yooooou

  13. Radio active Astronaut

    Fuck you man you a pile of shit

  14. Fck You. Müslim not terörist . realy terörist usa israel sudi arabia

  15. i loved the woman when she put the blanket around her and when the black person ate food and covered the head with the car and when 3 of them hugged☺💖

  16. Lucky you didnt get shot. Id shoot you.

  17. سياساوى || Seyasawi

    0:52 😂😂😂

  18. InnocenceSweetcherries

    Alhumdulillah this was beautiful but some may think wow muslims must run up to people intensely just to give handouts lol all in all tho good looks ( meaning hood looking out for the homeless)

  19. Gabriela Martinez

    😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😭😢😢 homeless mens

  20. This is why people don’t fuckin like us

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