Funny videos – Funny fails- Try not to laugh or grin challenge – Top videos 2015 #1

Funny videos – Funny fails- Try not to laugh or grin challenge – Top videos 2015 #1

- in Funny Video



  1. People do this because they know they're going to get hurt

  2. how is 0:33 even remotely comedic?

  3. i now have watched all you vids good job

  4. Subrata sarkar

  5. Paulius Pauliunas

    33 sec its not funny

  6. haha

  7. the first two are NOT! funny

  8. LPSPupsRockTheBeat

    I laughed at the first one OMG ✌️👏

  9. ok thx so much

  10. i know

  11. theFruitmassacre !

    Dude how is somebody dying or getting badly badly hurt okay? And funny it's funny when people get hurt but not hurt to the point of dying I mean how was a car exploding and flipping over funny?

  12. get back to me plz thx

  13. do a five nights at freddy's 1,2,3 or 4 that will help i like your vids nice job just helping good job to day you were at 63 subs and now your at 74

  14. i liked and sub to you

  15. easy

  16. that car one was not funny get back to me

  17. I don't understand how a car flipping over could possibly bring a smile to a face! The Driver could have died! To be honest, some of these fail videos aren't very funny at all, it is evil to say "come and have a laugh at this" when a guy could have died in a horrifying crash..Think twice next time!

  18. How was this shit funny??😏

  19. the not funny a fking car flipping over a person could be dead

  20. all of them are funny except the biker who could have potentially broken his neck and the car that flipped over several times

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