Funny Cute Babies Talking on the Phone Compilation

Funny Cute Babies Talking on the Phone Compilation

- in Funny Video



  1. Khaleeszi Vargas

    The 2nd baby lol

  2. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  3. Lol

  4. Валерий Хает

    Child of modern progress

  5. Que pena que crecemos

  6. Marlies Ortmann

    This ist so Sweet 😍😍😍😍😍💖 💖💖💖💖

  7. It's just not wow but it's super cute and everything

  8. Cute and intelligent Babies

  9. at 2:40 she's like" will my package be here by tomorrow?"
    "mom she said no, can you believe that?"
    "anyway what were u saying?" lol they r so cute

  10. Salma El Assouli


  11. so Cute baby….

  12. Best part 3:34 😍😂

  13. Kothapalli NageswaraSastry

    GOOD. K,N.S,, Vijayawada

  14. Barely of these were babies

  15. nurlaelah nurlaelah

    number 2 so cute talk with she father,,,very clever 😊😊

  16. baby's talk is very unique and surely will make us laugh,

  17. Darlene Winchester

    All of them are cute…..

  18. this exactly how i talk to people after smoking weed

  19. lol omg

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