Funny Sleeping Wake up Scary Pranks Compilation 2017 , fails sleep people Try Not To Laugh Challenge

Funny Sleeping Wake up Scary Pranks Compilation 2017 , fails sleep people Try Not To Laugh Challenge

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Really? Setting someone on fire is funny?

  2. Sharie Ramsey

    So funny

  3. 23:24😂😂

  4. Hellfiregamer

    Where da titties man :'(

  5. The Blonde at 2.05 can fart on me anytime!

  6. 12:20 the funniest one 😀

  7. Young Generation

    Lolllz :')
    Very Funny

  8. larsa birotica

    Waking the sleeper violently or quickly may lead to his death

  9. Kathryn Kenyon


  10. This sucked why I clicked on it shoot me now I'm going to watch someone eat two pounds of nacho cheese with no hands cause that's worth watching instead of this bad video. I also did not laugh

  11. zakhmi marzaki

    Don't this things bcz when person wake up he thing anti clock wise like if it is morning he is think it is evening but if you wake up people during evening he think it is morning .

  12. Aww 9.36 is so sweet

  13. Bouyahia Ahmed

    12 : 19

  14. Anyone know the song playing at 13:30 ?

  15. With friends like these, who needs an asshole?

  16. Honesty Holman

    Felt so bad for 8:12

  17. Jason Hernandez

    Am I the only one upset she wasted that ice cream? Lol

  18. The one where he thinks he's getting arrested 😂

  19. If your my friend and you fuck with me when I'm sleeping you catching these hands

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