Scaredy Cats | Pranks and Scare Fails Compilation || FailArmy 2016

Scaredy Cats | Pranks and Scare Fails Compilation || FailArmy 2016

- in Funny Pranks



  1. GASPS Toby! Toby Toby Toby!!

  2. Abigail Blackburn

    Omi 2:27 lol late scream

  3. michel favrol


  4. 0:49 lol his scream😱😂

  5. TheEmeraldMinecart IvinTEM 2nd channel

    Do Halloween fails

  6. Maryem Zahraoui

    its still funny

  7. 6:07 —YOU ARE A F***ING D*CK!!!!!!!!!
    WOW!!!! Just—-WOOWWWWW!!!!

  8. SandStormer123

    4:21 that sound you make when someone sticks a febreeze can up your bum

  9. Gestört aber Geil


  10. Leanna Reveles

    so funny

  11. Christian gaming

    what was the name of the first one?

  12. The bear one was HILARIOUS…. though I would have soiled myself if it had of happened to me =9

  13. 2:10 Kitty says, 'Yes, bow down before me dog, for I am thy master now' =9

  14. Tu mejor amigo Asriel Dreemurr :v

    0:22 he was watching porn surely 😂😂

  15. Does anyone know what kind of dog that is at 2:08


  17. luis casteleiro

    note to girls:
    bring pepper spray

  18. I watched that first one over and over and laughed until I cried every single time

  19. Poor Dog.
    Stupid Cat.
    God is going to help them…😑

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